Wednesday 2 February 2011

What is the ‘something’ we have to hide?

A brief search will show that this mixtape has generated great interest since October of last year. If we’re to believe Mike Skinner, Cyberspace and Reds is to be the mixtape before the final Streets album. This to me is incredibly disappointing but it must be remembered that the seminal debut Original Pirate Material was released all the way back in 2002 - enough time for the difficult second, third and fourth albums to drop and disappoint.

Full album review to follow but firstly I wanted to draw your attention to one track which troubled me. Something to hide is 2 minutes and 14 seconds of meditation on privacy in the digital age – something as relevant as ever and worthy of highlighting as an issue.

What confuses me is the final 15 seconds or so. I think we know what “they billed as recent history’s most heinous crime” alludes to, but what is the challenging for me is the idea the “privacy is privacy, whether anyone’s or mine, even if I did commit recent history’s most heinous crime.”

This raises a lot of questions in my head, which is what I believe is the purpose and beauty of art, but more importantly what are your reflections?

It would be great to hear your thoughts before I post my full album review and so let's get some discussion flowing through the comments section and twitter!